Obstructive Sleep Apnea – Glendale, AZ

What Is OSA?

Senior man and woman sleeping soundly after treating obstructive sleep apnea in Glendale

OSA stands for Obstructive Sleep Apnea, which is the most common type of this disorder. It occurs when a patient’s upper airway becomes blocked because the tongue and other tissues in the throat relax and collapse together, cutting off the flow of oxygen. While OSA is known to affect millions of Americans, it is very treatable, and our Glendale sleep center has seen a lot of success using oral appliance therapy.

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What Causes Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Man sleeping on back with illustration of blocked airway

The underlying causes of OSA can stem from genetic and lifestyle factors as well as a combination of the two. A person with a larger than average tongue or naturally narrow airway is at an increased risk of developing OSA. The leading contributor, however, is obesity or being overweight. When excess fat is on the throat, this can place pressure on the airway during sleep, which leads to it becoming obstructed.

Complications of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Man falling asleep while driving

OSA prevents a person from completing a full sleep cycle throughout the night. This means that even if a person spends seven to nine hours in bed, they will likely wake up feeling unrested. Also, the stoppages in breathing stemming from OSA create a spike in blood pressure that can persist for several hours, leading to hypertension which dramatically increases the chances of heart attack and stroke.